Thought provoking truths to help you build a more meaningful relationship with Jesus. These videos have been made available to you for free to encourage you and help you grow. As you sit and watch these videos, I encourage you to spend time with the Holy Spirit afterwards, letting Him minister to you.
The mission is to shift the culture and it's in Jesus name we pray! Let's Move!
New Uploads is a series of my most recently uploaded videos. if you want to check out the latest drops click watch more to stay updated.
UPPER ROOM w/ Albaner C. Eugene Jr.
Living More Abundantly (202WON Series) is a series that will help you understand how to live life more abundantly, teach you about God's peace, and instruct you on how to deal with anxiety
The purpose of the "Secret Place Series" is taking on real questions and giving a biblical perspective and leading someone closer to God. I pray that this series encourages you and blesses you, and I pray that you grow closer to God and move forward in every area in your life. Lets move forever.
Social Momentum (Documentaries) consider a number of topic conversations and include the documentaries: Fatherhood, Queen Forgive Me, Manhood & Lust, It Starts With You (No More Chains), and more. Lets Move
MOMENTUM 2.0 (Spoken Word) is the momentum series spoken word of a season, event, or something I have been delivered from. Standing in the gap for someone to know that God is a healer, protecter, and transforms. Be blessed and be a blessing. Lets Move.
Soldier, Stand Up! Let's continue to represent Christ and be Ambassadors for him.
Live Stream Q&A Session with Albaner C. Eugene Jr.
This series NEW IN YOUR WALK | VICTORIOUS LIVING SERIES is for the person who wants to grow closer to GOD, grow in GOD, and begin to really live a victorious lifestyle with GOD. I pray this blesses you! THE MISSION IS TO SHIFT THE CULTURE, AND IT IS IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY! LOVE YOU, BE BLESSED AND BE A BLESSING.
Encouragement is a series of videos intended to keep you encouraged. If you want to learn how to navigate your emotions, grow in spiritual maturity, and gain wisdom check out this series.
"Love Languages" (How they Help Or Hinder Our Walk With God) This series is about the 5 love languages and how they can help or hinder our walk with God
2020 - REFLECT is playlist created to provide sobering, refreshing thoughts during a hard time of the year of 2020
The Annual Momentum Project Playlist is full of projects where you can see special guest from all over come together and tell amazing stories, share perspectives, experiences, and more. Be blessed and encouraged, and Let’s Move forward in every aspect of our lives! Share with a friend. Thank you so much for helping us spread the good news to the world!
Momentum Short Films is a playlist of a 3 part series: Reconstruction, New Beginnings, and Journey to Freedom. Each part has visual storytelling that intends to highlight the importance of each story and help create a call to action for you to reach a higher level of intimacy with God.
TRIP TO HIGH SCHOOL w/ Albaner C. Eugene Jr. is a 5 part series about what we can learn from High school Students! Be blessed and Lets Move! - Albaner C. Eugene Jr.
Recap Videos for several different projects and documentaries. Be sure to watch your project before watching the recap videos.
Feeling Stuck? This playlist is for you if you've been feeling stuck and everyone around you seems to be moving forward...
Eliminating "Why God" for " Why You" Series. The mission is to shift the culture, forever. We live in a nation that blames God when things go wrong. We blame God but we don't seek God. We blame God but we aren't living for Him. We are in a nation where we grew so far from God. This series is to bring us closer and back to Him. All Glory Goes to my Heavenly Father and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God, heal our land.
The mission is to shift the culture, forever. This series Spending Time With God Series is too help those that are trying to get to know God and get a better relationship with Him. This series will help you get to know God more and it will change the course of your life forever. I believe that God is going to show himself strong in your life and begin to show you visions, direction, and your purpose on this earth. Open your hearts and find some time to receive what God has placed on my heart to share with you. God Bless, I love you! It’s your season to make the one true KING the head of your life. #KingSeason

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